Your work rests on who you are. Not your credentials.

I see so many of my clients spend tens of thousands of dollars on trainings, certifications, and degrees. They think that they just need the proper credential and then they can finally do the work that’s been calling them.
They feel that what they DO know isn’t “good enough” and so they seek the outside validation.
They’re afraid to embrace their true gifts.
I’ve never had the right certifications. I teach graduate courses in the field of depth psychology and have never taken a graduate level psychology course, let alone a course in depth psychology. Years ago, I trained teachers at UC Berkeley. My course was titled “Instructional Strategies” and my courses were filled with experienced teachers who were taking my class merely to get the continuing education credit.
And…. I’d never taught a class before in my life.
But here’s the point: do the work that’s calling you, even if you don’t have the “right” credentials for it. Walk through the doors that mysteriously open for you.
You can get the certification later (or never).
Read the full article here: