Beyond Thought. Unlock MetaphorMind.

Tap Into Deep Intelligence. Transform Your Creativity with 17 Tips.

Give your creativity a kick in the pants.

Hi - I'm Dr Kim Hermanson

A profound mystical experience changed the course of my life, leading me to explore the hidden intelligence beyond words. I began my career in Artificial Intelligence before earning a Ph.D. at the University of Chicago, but my true work lies in unlocking the deep wisdom beneath the thinking mind. Over the past 30 years, I’ve guided thousands of visionary creatives to breakthroughs, written three award-winning books, and co-authored with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, who called my work “pioneering.”

Through metaphor, neuroscience, and deep imagination, I help people access new realms of insight and transformation. If you’re ready to move beyond logic and into the beauty of Third Space, I invite you to join me.

Kim Hermanson Standing in Pose
Deep Knowing Book Cover

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“Not since Carlos Castenada’s books 40 years ago have I had such a strong reaction. This is very powerful stuff.”

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

New York Times Bestselling Author of Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

"When I work with Kim, I get a depth of understanding that goes far beyond my mind. Images arrive spontaneously and they speak to me through a very strong felt sense that causes a powerful and transformative shift of my whole being. Her sessions are a deeply profound spiritual experience. Quite literally, they are life-changing."
Mim Kohn
New York University Adjunct Professor
Kim's work isn't just transformational—I stepped into an entirely new place of knowing. In a single session, something shifted deep within my being. This wasn't therapy, coaching, or analysis. It was an encounter with something vast and profoundly real, beyond anything my mind could construct. I left with a clarity so undeniable, it was like remembering a truth I'd always known but had somehow forgotten.
Patricia Johnson
"I’ve been deeply involved in the Jungian movement for more than fifty years, and during those fifty years, I have worked with many world-renowned Jungian teachers. None of them were ever able to bring me into my own inner imagery. In the very first session with Kim, I immediately saw an image. It’s the first time in all these years that I was able to do that. She’s the real deal."
Joan Green

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