aesthetic space

DALL·E 2024 12 02 12.35.14 A serene and creative image of an abstract weaving loom blending into musical notes and dreamlike imagery, symbolizing creativity, imagination, and tr

Birthing new metaphors: Creativity, imagination, and social change at Esalen

I wanted to share an inspiring email I received from an amazing woman who heard me on the radio last fall. Her metaphoric imagery is so vivid and full of life, and her description of our culture being in the “neti-neti” stage of childbirth deeply resonated with me: “We are ‘not here nor there’ but…

DALL·E 2024 12 02 14.50.57 A simple and beautiful abstract image symbolizing a gate of access to creativity and imagination. The design features a vibrant and soft color palette

Unlocking hidden realms: The gateways of metaphor and art

In his novel Ulysses, James Joyce writes: “Any object, intensely regarded, may be a gate of access.” This simple yet profound idea has stayed with me for years, and every time I revisit it, I uncover new depths. Joyce’s notion of a “gate of access” resonates strongly with the transformative power of metaphor, which lies…

DALL·E 2024 12 04 13.38.35 A bright and colorful abstract illustration symbolizing the concept of metaphor and aesthetic space. The image features interconnected shapes and patt

The power of metaphor: Creating space for growth and transformation

This coming winter, I’m teaching Psychology of Metaphor at the Institute of Imaginal Studies (IIS). It’s a class that changed my life before I even taught it. Back in December 2006, during my interview with the Director of IIS, he asked me what I wanted to teach. Without thinking, I blurted out, “Metaphor.” The funny…

DALL·E 2024 12 04 15.20.21 A vibrant and whimsical illustration of a person stepping through a magical doorway into a world filled with pulsating energy and beauty. The scene fe

Discovering aesthetic space: Awakening to beauty and creative potential

I’ve always been drawn to the idea of creating space. For years, a note on my computer reminded me, “Create Space for Spirit to Speak.” Without space, it’s impossible to bring anything new or creative into being because our lives are already too full. Take writing, for example—you have to create physical, mental, and emotional…

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