Breakthroughs happen when we open spaces
we didn’t know existed.

Unleash Your True Potential: Access Profound Shifts
and Creative Breakthroughs in the MetaphorMind LAB

For the past 30 years, Dr. Kim Hermanson has revolutionized the field by developing unique, specialized techniques that utilize the language of metaphor as a gateway to higher knowing.

"Not since Carlos Castenada's books 40 years ago have I had such a strong reaction. This is very powerful stuff."
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

New York Times bestselling author of Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience and co-founder of the field of Positive Psychology

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MetaphorMind lab will be especially helpful if...

a vision or project has been 'haunting' you

you used to be creative but the spark has disappeared

you have a long-standing issue, conflict, or pattern that you haven't been able to resolve

you're highly sensitive or neurodivergent

you've lost a sense of meaning and purpose

you yearn for deeper spiritual connection

you're a visionary and pioneer in your field and want to stay plugged into your vision, guidance, and inspiration

you want to live rooted in your true essence & live from your place of inner “home."

This work has been invaluable. It gives me access to something I have no other way to access… to wisdom I know deep down but I have no bridge to it.
Founder, Studio for Movement Arts & TherapiesTrust
Incredibly powerful and accessible work. I have a new life now; this is home. I've been looking for this place.
Executive Development Coach
This work brings deep guidance – it opened a part of me that I thought had been long lost. It’s profoundly transformative.
New York University Adjunct Professor

A Yearlong Journey to Deep Transformation


Claiming Personal Power


Exploring Inner Landscapes


Tuning into the Body's Wisdom


Gaining Clarity & Perspective


Unleashing Creative Potential


Releasing Longstanding Struggles


Understanding & Healing Relationships


Embracing Your Soul's Calling


Activating Prosperity


Honoring Your Ancestral Lineage


Sharpening Focus & Eliminating Distractions


Bringing Dreams to Reality

Choose a Path that Suits You


3-Months Prepaid


Group Calls (Includes Recordings)



Accepting The Deep Call Digital Course

Resources on Metaphor

All Past Recordings

Optional Upgrade with Monthly 1:1 Session (requires 3-month commitment)




$33 / month +
$47 / Signup Fee

Join MetaphorMind Lab

MetaphorMind Lab
One time payment of $59.00
One time payment of $119.00
$80.00 for first month then $33.00 for each month


Everything you need to know about tapping into the intelligence beyond words.

Group calls with Kim are 10 am - 11:30 am PST on the first and third Fridays of every month. Every call is recorded and available for members.

We work with sensory knowing (hot, cold, big, small, strong, light, etc), which draws on your ability to feel. Although images can be a starting point, it's not necessary to work with images.

Every group call is recorded and include group journeys. There is no reason to attend live unless you want the opportunity to work with Kim in-person. The recordings are valuable because watching how Kim works with people will help you work with your own images and sensory intelligence that you receive on the journeys.

This work is more similar to shamanism than to dream analysis in that we directly enter a field of intelligence in real time. You'll receive your own
imagery and sensory guidance that you will feel a visceral shift from. Spirit guides, power animals, divine teachers, and sacred symbols may show up from the field.

Absolutely. Our thinking mind and ingrained patterns of behavior are often what get us into trouble, and can be impossible to shift on their
own. With this work, we bypass the thinking mind and dysfunctional patterns, going straight into your own higher knowing.

About Kim

Dr. Kim Hermanson is known as a thought-leader for her unique mind-shifting techniques that help people access the right hemispheres of their brains. An educator and adjunct professor at Pacifica Graduate Institute, Kim’s work unveils the untapped intelligent field of profound beauty that lies beyond thought in the mind’s third space. She has helped thousands of creatives, pioneers, therapists, and seekers of all kinds achieve breakthroughs in jumpstarting their mental health, learning, and creativity. Kim has written three books on the non-cognitive, visionary, and creative space that lies beyond our thinking mind: Getting Messy: A Guide to Taking Risks and Opening the Imagination for Teachers, Trainers, Coaches, and Mentors, Deep Knowing: Entering the Realm of Non-Ordinary Intelligence, which won a 2022 National Indie Excellence Award, and Sky's the Limit: The Art of Nancy Dunlop Cawdrey, which received an Independent Publisher Book Award. She has also co-authored articles and book chapters with the late Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the author of Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience and co-founder of the field of Positive Psychology, who described her work as "pioneering."

Kim Hermanson