

My interview with Women in Depth podcast

You can listen or download the podcast here: On Inauguration Day in the US, I was interviewed on the Women in Depth podcast….during which I knew that what was really happening on that day…was the Inauguration of a new world. IN·AU·GU·RA·TION (iˌnôɡ(y)əˈrāSH(ə)n) noun 1. the beginning or introduction of a system, policy, or period….

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The sacred energy of the square

When I’m scared or confused or thrown off by something, I open up metaphoric space and usually… see myself drawing a square. When I become third space–the ‘space in which it happens’ and allow sacred square energy to permeate my Being, I feel Square’s amazing strength, clarity and boundaries. Square has no trouble being fully present. It is not…

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Holding peaceful expansiveness

Is there something in your life that’s a bit intense, overwhelming or challenging right now? Stress often creates a feeling of being “boxed in” and having nowhere to move. But no matter what is happening in the external world, third space is always available to us. Metaphoric images are portals to another realm that is…

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A message from the ‘Other’ world

Despite my desire for zen-like calm, I’ve been affected by the deeply unpleasant US election and negative, hard-to-believe-this-is-the-US, stories in the news media. Sometimes I feel afraid…of nuclear war, climate change, and violence that I can’t control. I worry about “what could happen.” And in addition to the national and international unrest, I have my own worries, as this past summer…

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The creative arts gave me life

When I was in school, I loved the precision and tidiness of it—each class a container with a tidy list of assignments by week. All these fascinating subjects, like chests full of jewels, and if we only sign up and listen, we might uncover some of those jewels. Looking at new syllabi at the beginning…

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