
Remembering the vision of the heart: Balancing mind and inspiration

Remembering the vision of the heart: Balancing mind and inspiration

Lately, I’ve been immersed in preparing materials for some upcoming academic classes. I love diving into the world of ideas, but I’ve learned it’s not a place I want to live. It’s easy to get stuck in the mind, forgetting the beauty and vision that inspire us in the first place. A wise guide once…

Embracing creative emergence: Lessons from nature and human development

Embracing creative emergence: Lessons from nature and human development

“There are two forces at work, as complexity science demonstrates: habit and creativity. Nature has laws that perpetuate existing patterns and forms (habits), but nature also evolves, bringing forth ever new and unexpected possibilities through a non-linear process called creative emergence.” — Joan Borysenko, The Huffington Post Every year, I’m drawn to the annual Bioneers…

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