Author: Kim Hermanson

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Inspiration vs. information

In addition to being delighted by our new president-elect, I am delighted by the creative visions and voices that have emerged throughout the campaign and afterwards. People are on fire. I love it. Early on before the primaries, the syndicated columnist and political commentator Mark Shields pointed out a major difference between Hillary and Barack:…

Creative emergence is non-linear
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Creative emergence is non-linear

There are two forces at work, as complexity science demonstrates: habit and creativity. Nature has laws that perpetuate existing patterns and forms (habits), but nature also evolves, bringing forth ever new and unexpected possibilities through a non-linear process called creative emergence. -Joan Borysenko, The Huffington Post Every year I’m drawn to attend the annual Bioneers…

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Spaciousness creates real change

This coming winter I’m teaching Psychology of Metaphor at the Institute of Imaginal Studies. In December of 2006, I was interviewing with the Director of IIS and he asked me what I wanted to teach. I found myself blurting out, “Metaphor.” But the truth was, I didn’t know anything about metaphor as an academic subject,…

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