Ordinary world versus a world that honors imagination
We humans are blessed with the ability to imagine a world beyond the ordinary. Let’s make good use of that gift.
We humans are blessed with the ability to imagine a world beyond the ordinary. Let’s make good use of that gift.
I’ve been nervous lately. I’ve been holding a vision for the past year and it’s time to step forward and act on the vision. Gulp. Today I saw the movie, A Man Named Pearl. It’s the story of Pearl Fryar, a sharecropper’s son from a small town in South Carolina, who is an internationally-recognized, award-winning…
“If there is no mystery, there is only propaganda”…wrote the artist Keith Haring. Mystery is where our new learning comes from, which is why creativity is so important for learning. Our creative process, in whatever form it manifests, is how we access mystery. We’re all creative beings, because we all wonder about things in this…
The thing about art is that it brings us into the exact present moment of our life…and captures that moment. Attached is a little watercolor I did recently.
When I was in school, I loved the precision and tidiness of it—each class a container with a tidy list of assignments by week. All these fascinating subjects, like chests full of jewels, and if we only sign up and listen, we might uncover some of those jewels. Looking at new syllabi at the beginning…
Late last fall was the first time I heard it. A very clear, distinct voice that sometimes spoke to me multiple times per day: “Don’t worry, Kim. You’re going to be fine.” I couldn’t figure this out—I frequently get messages from the Other side but they always relate to something. This time, I didn’t have…
Creativity happens when we make unusual connections…making what is familiar “strange.” We presume that certain things automatically go together—boat, duck, and water, for example. When we put unusual things together, we are in “creative” terrain. (As a silly example, ham sandwich and hair jell don’t go together…it’s a creative combination.) When we put two paradoxical…