“Imagination is when you dream and play at the same time”

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“Imagination is when you dream and play at the same time.”

This profound statement came from a five-year-old. Michelle, a kindergarten teacher, shared it on my Facebook page, and it has stayed with me ever since.

Children have a way of distilling wisdom into the simplest, most poetic expressions. In just a few words, this child captured the essence of what it means to be creative and alive. Imagination isn’t about rigid plans or forced effort—it’s the magical space where dreaming and playing merge, where curiosity and joy take the lead.

As adults, we often forget this vital part of ourselves. We trade play for productivity, dreams for deadlines. But children remind us of something essential: that play is serious work, and dreaming is the foundation of possibility. When we allow ourselves to step into this space of playful dreaming, we reconnect with the expansive, creative energy that makes life feel full and meaningful.

I wonder how much richer our lives could be if we carried notepads while spending time with children—jotting down their offhand remarks, their observations, their questions. In their simplicity, they teach us how to be human: curious, open, and alive in the present moment.

Let this serve as a reminder to embrace your own imagination today. Find a moment to dream and play at the same time. It might just unlock something extraordinary.

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