Dissolving into something greater than ourselves
We are like soluble ink.
In order to dissolve into Something greater than ourselves, we have to let go… we have to let go of what we think, believe and know.
We are like soluble ink.
In order to dissolve into Something greater than ourselves, we have to let go… we have to let go of what we think, believe and know.
No matter how much we push, intend and effort, it’s clear that we don’t often have all the answers that we seek. But Something else does. We humans are brilliant when we’re aligned with Something greater than ourselves. We don’t get breakthroughs by thinking harder or better. We get breakthroughs when we open spaces we…
I’m teaching the first session of my “Psychology of Transformative Learning” course for graduate students at Meridian tomorrow. So in honor of that, thought I’d provide a quote from Derrida. Enjoy. Language is an intrinsically unreliable structure for communication. Real meaning exists in a dimension that transcends reason and language. It is a ‘dimension of…
Eight Essentials for a Creative Life. 1. flexibility 2. the ability to play 3. sensitivity to beauty 4. openness to experience 5. a willingness to be confused 6. an internal locus of evaluation 7. an inclination to let curiosity lead the way 8. the ability to hold opposing ideas in mind at the same time…
In addition to being delighted by our new president-elect, I am delighted by the creative visions and voices that have emerged throughout the campaign and afterwards. People are on fire. I love it. Early on before the primaries, the syndicated columnist and political commentator Mark Shields pointed out a major difference between Hillary and Barack:…
Philosophers throughout history have asserted that “the fundamental nature of the world is aesthetic” (Alfred North Whitehead, Gregory Bateson,James Hillman, Martin Foss,Donald Winnicott to name a few.) That said, it’s interesting that the word aesthetics comes from the Greek word “aisthenesthai” which is the ability to perceive. When he was alive, archetypal psychologist James Hillman…
The ancient Greek philosopher Epictetus said, “It is impossible to begin to learn that which one thinks one already knows.” When you know something in your mind to be true, is there open space in your mind for another view? Not likely. When we’re certain that we “know,” we’re at risk of trouble, because we…