Your vision is real: Trust the energy that’s calling you

DALL·E 2024 11 30 20.08.26 A symbolic and uplifting image of a glowing light emerging from a person’s heart, surrounded by a dynamic, ethereal swirl of vibrant colors like golds

Your vision is real. You’re not making it up.

Your creative yearnings—the ones that whisper in quiet moments or shout during sleepless nights—are real. They’re not some fanciful daydreams to dismiss. Whether it’s a story waiting to be written, a business idea taking shape, or a vision for your life that keeps nudging at you, it’s all real energy.

The characters in your novels? They’re not just figments of imagination; they are waiting for you to give them form. That business idea or project you can’t stop thinking about? It’s not just a passing fancy; it’s a creative force knocking at your door, asking to be born through you.

If you’re receiving a vision, trust that you’re not making it up. It’s arriving because something within you is ready to meet it. Vision is a kind of dialogue with the universe—your soul recognizing something that wants to come into being.

Often, the rational mind tries to dismiss these yearnings: Who am I to do this? Does the world really need this? But those doubts are just noise. They come from fear, not truth. Your vision is the language of possibility. It’s an invitation to step into the vast, creative flow that’s already within you.

When you honor your vision, you align with something much larger than yourself. You become a vessel for the deep creative energies of the world.

So don’t ignore it. Don’t brush it aside. Instead, ask: What is this vision asking of me? What steps can I take to bring it to life?

Your vision is real. Trust it.

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