MetaphorMind Practice Session

A MetaphorMind Practice Session is a space to engage a wholly different way of knowing.
Instead of trying to solve problems through logic or overthinking, these sessions invite us into a quiet, rich field of creative intelligence that lies beyond the mind — a space where living metaphoric images emerge to offer precisely the shift we need.
Whether someone sees a square, a veil, a mountain, or a tiny sparrow, the image itself isn’t a symbol to decode. It’s alive. And when we become the image — when we let its energetic qualities move through our body — something opens. A new state of being reveals itself. We shift.
These sessions aren’t about interpretation or self-improvement. They’re not about figuring out what an image “means” or what we “should do.” They’re about direct experience — and the kind of transformation that happens when we stop trying to control and start allowing.
MetaphorMind is not a technique — it’s a doorway. And if this work is calling to you, that doorway may already be opening.
If you’d like to explore it further, drop in on the MetaphorMind lab or book a private session.