Overcoming solopreneur anxiety: why ‘you are enough’ is the key to success

The to-do list never seems to end when you’re a solopreneur or running your own business, does it? One of my clients, who runs an expressive arts therapy organization, was spiraling about an upcoming program that wasn’t fully booked. She wondered, “Am I doing enough? Should I be posting more on social media? Should I throw more money at ads? What else should I be DOING?”

The anxiety was real. It’s exhausting to always feel there’s more we ‘should’ be doing.

During our session, the metaphoric image that came up for her was a small black circle. And here’s the thing about metaphor: its power lies in its simplicity.

When things get too complicated, our heads jump in, trying to “figure it out.” But metaphor speaks straight to the heart. And in this case, the message from the image was clear:

“I am the small black circle. I am whole and have everything I need. I AM enough. I offer enough. My people will find me. What I truly want to say is: I need to be who I am, and my people will find me. I am enough. Everything I’ve done is enough.”

If you’re out there carving your own unique path in the world, here’s the truth: all you need to do is be you.

You are enough. And everything you’ve done is enough.

Your people will find you.

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