Real revolution requires courage and creativity

It’s hard to be a pioneer. It’s hard to create new things. Because if it’s something new, others don’t recognize it as having value. Create it anyway.
If someone can do it better than you, can teach it better than you, or has already written it…it’s not your work. Your work is the work that only you can do.
For me, what has worked best is to realize that my work is not ultimately about me personally. I’m in service to something greater than myself. Holding that stance takes the pressure off.
And remember joy and beauty….as Karen Walrond said, “I will never apologize for embracing joy and beauty–even when the world is falling apart–because joy and beauty are my fuel for activism.”
“Incremental change is important and we need it, but we’re desperate for real revolution and that requires a different type of courage and creativity.” – KEVIN SURACE