Eight essentials for a creative life

Unlocking a creative life starts with embracing flexibility, play, and a sensitivity to beauty. When we open ourselves to new experiences and let curiosity guide us, we tap into a wellspring of inspiration. Cultivating a willingness to sit with confusion and hold opposing ideas allows for deep insight, all while trusting our own inner voice as the compass. 

These eight essentials invite us to live more vibrantly, seeing the world as a canvas for endless possibility: 

  • flexibility
  • the ability to play
  • sensitivity to beauty
  • openness to experience
  • a willingness to be confused
  • an internal locus of evaluation
  • an inclination to let curiosity lead the way
  • the ability to hold opposing ideas in mind at the same time

Each of these qualities helps us break free from limitations and tap into the rich, layered potential of our creative minds. By nurturing these essentials, we create a life filled with depth, discovery, and a profound connection to the world around us.

inspired by Carl Rogers, On Becoming a Person

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