Teaching as a sacred calling: Accessing Something Greater

When we teach, we meet life.
I’ve always viewed teaching as a sacred calling. I treasure the teaching moments when magic and miracles happened….. unexpected breakthroughs, a precious sense of time flowing with grace and ease, students shedding tears, fears, and their deepest dreams and visions, synchronicities, finding myself saying things that felt like they were coming from another place, conflicts magically resolving themselves.
When I’ve taught classes, I’ve often felt held and led by Something greater than myself.
Which is a good thing…because standing up in front of a room of tired, stern, crabby adults isn’t easy (lol). When we feel like we have to be perfect, meet everyone’s needs and expectations, and have all the answers, it’s exhausting (and terrifying…)
But when we can find and access that place of “something greater”, we have fresh space to breathe into once again.