The transformative power of Third Space: Creating room for clarity

“We don’t get breakthroughs by thinking harder. Breakthroughs happen when we open spaces we didn’t know existed.”
In my work with clients, I’ve seen time and again that creating space can be transformative. Rather than following a rigid agenda or trying to push for quick solutions, my clients enter “third space” – a terrain of the right hemisphere that is open, free of expectations, and beyond the judgments and perceptions of the thinking mind.
One client, who was initially frustrated with not having clear answers, found that in simply sitting in third space, insights emerged naturally. Without forcing or “solving,” a clarity of understanding developed that had previously been out of reach.
The educator Maxine Greene said, “I find that, when a space is provided, something rather wonderful can happen.” Third space allows things to evolve in an organic way. It creates room for what we don’t know and can’t expect.
Third space allows something greater to come through us.
So next time you’re stuck, don’t search for a solution. Instead, open space for it.
Creating space is the first step toward transforming anything.