Unlocking the universal language of shapes: How forms influence us
There’s a reason bank buildings are square. The solid, stable form of a square conveys security and trust. There’s a reason that when we need rest, we often seek out the calming expanse of a large body of water or the serene emptiness of the desert. There’s a reason web designers use generous amounts of white space—space helps our eyes (and brains!) stay calm and focused, allowing us to better absorb information. And there’s a reason why skilled group facilitators arrange seating in a circle rather than in rows when fostering connection and group bonding.
Shapes are not arbitrary—they communicate directly with the subconscious mind. Beneath the surface of your conscious awareness lies a universal language shared by all cultures: the language of aesthetic form.
Corporate advertisers and architects intentionally design with shapes, knowing that different forms evoke specific emotional and cognitive responses. Whether it’s a product’s sleek curves, a logo’s sharp edges, or a building’s inviting angles, shapes awaken different parts of our brain and influence how we feel. But this potent power isn’t reserved for savvy marketers or designers—it’s available to all of us.
By understanding and utilizing the inherent energy of shapes, we can create environments, projects, and even experiences that resonate deeply with ourselves and others.
Click here to explore this transformative concept further in my article, The Power of Thinking in Shapes on Medium.