
17 potent, inspiring & unknown books on the power of imagination and metaphor

In alphabetical order, 17 potent, inspiring, and relatively unknown books on the power of art, imagination, learning, and metaphor. (These are books not commonly known, so that’s why some popular books on creativity and imagination aren’t listed.) Enjoy.

  1. THE AESTHETIC DIMENSION: Towards a Critique of Marxist Aesthetics by Herbert Marcuse
  2. ALONE WITH THE ALONE: Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn Arabi  by Henry Corbin
  3. ANIMALS OF THE FOUR WINDOWS: Integrating Thinking, Sensing, Feeling and Imagery by Stephen Gallegos
  4. ARTFUL LEADERSHIP: Awakening the Commons of the Imagination by Michael Jones
  5. DEEP KNOWING: Entering the Realm of Non-Ordinary Intelligence by Kim Hermanson (had to list it…)
  6. ENSOULING LANGUAGE: On the Art of Nonfiction and the Writer’s Life by Stephen Harrod Buhner
  7. GETTING MESSY: A Guide to Taking Risks and Opening the Imagination for Teachers, Trainers, Coaches, and Mentorys by Kim Hermanson  (again, same reason…)
  8. IF YOU WANT TO WRITE: A Book about Art, Independence, and Spirit by Brenda Ueland
  9. LEARNING BY HEART: Teachings to Free the Creative Spirit by Corita Kent
  10. A LIFE IN SCHOOL: What the Teacher Learned by Jane Tompkins
  11. THE LIVING CLASSROOM by Christopher Bache
  12. METAPHORIC MIND: A Celebration of Creative Consciousness by Bob Samples
  13. NO MORE SECONDHAND ART: Awakening the Artist Within by Peter London
  14. RADICAL PRESENCE: Teaching as a Contemplative Practice by Mary Rose O’Reilley
  15. THE RE-ENCHANTMENT OF ART by Suzi Gablik
  16. SAVED BY A POEM: The Transformative Power of Words by Kim Rosen
  17. ZEN OF SEEING: Seeing/Drawing as Meditation by Frederick Franck

If I’ve missed something, please let me know. I’d love to hear it!

Click here to read my reviews of these books:


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