
Breakthroughs happen when we open spaces we didn’t know existed

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No matter how much we push, intend and effort, it’s clear that we don’t often have all the answers that we seek.

But Something else does.

We humans are brilliant when we’re aligned with Something greater than ourselves.

We don’t get breakthroughs by thinking harder or better. We get breakthroughs when we open spaces we didn’t know existed.

And to open those spaces, we need to tap into the wisdom that lies beyond the linear mind.

This wisdom isn’t something we can force or control; it arises when we create stillness and allow ourselves to listen. It’s the kind of knowing that speaks in whispers, through intuition, metaphor, and the quiet insights that surface when we step back from overthinking. To access it, we must let go of rigid expectations and trust that the answers we seek are already present, waiting to emerge in their own time. By opening space—through curiosity, surrender, and connection—we invite Something greater to guide us toward the breakthroughs that transform everything.

For more about how to tap the divine wisdom that lies beyond the thinking mind, check out my new book, Deep Knowing: Entering the Realm of Non-Ordinary Intelligence on Amazon.

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