Deep creativity: The force that brings life and change

When I work with clients, it becomes clear that deep creativity doesn’t originate in the head or thinking mind. It comes from an entirely different place—a place that’s alive.
Their creative visions emerge from this living, dynamic energy, and it’s precisely why we need art. To truly change our world, we must connect with what is alive.
Artists have always been at the forefront of meaningful change, both individually and culturally. Creativity isn’t just a form of expression—it’s a potent force that connects us to something greater, something alive and brimming with possibility.
As Charles Eisenstein writes in Sacred Economics:
“How beautiful can life be? We hardly dare imagine it.”
But we must dare. Because daring to imagine is the first step in bringing beauty, transformation, and aliveness into our lives and into the world.
Art and creativity hold the power to envision and manifest the unimaginable. They awaken a sense of connection, hope, and possibility that goes beyond the confines of the rational mind.
Let’s dare to imagine the beauty that could be. Let’s invite aliveness into our lives and allow creativity to lead us toward a richer, more vibrant world.