Breakthroughs arrive in non-rational ways

If you want to understand more about how creative breakthroughs happen, check out my new book, Deep Knowing: Entering the Realm of Non-Ordinary Intelligence.
Each of us carries a vast reservoir of non-verbal, non-rational, non-cognitive wisdom—a deep well of knowing that exists beyond the boundaries of logic and language. This wisdom is always present, quietly offering its insights, but it often goes unnoticed because our thinking minds dominate the conversation.
When we loosen our fixation on what we think we know, we create space for this deeper reservoir to emerge. It’s not about discarding rational thought but expanding our awareness to include what lies beyond it. This other kind of wisdom speaks through intuition, metaphor, and felt sense, offering perspectives that the logical mind alone can’t access.
Truly innovative solutions rarely come from thinking harder. They arise when we step outside the limits of linear thought and explore the spaces where logic can’t take us. Breakthroughs don’t announce themselves with neatly laid-out plans; they arrive suddenly, often in ways we can’t predict or explain.
This is why creating space for non-linear, non-rational exploration is so essential—whether in creativity, problem-solving, or personal growth. It’s in these spaces that transformative insights and revolutionary ideas are born.
When we learn to trust this reservoir of inner wisdom, we discover that it can guide us toward solutions and possibilities we never could have imagined on our own. Breakthroughs, after all, belong to the realm of the unexpected.
If you want to understand more about how creative breakthroughs happen, check out my new book, Deep Knowing: Entering the Realm of Non-Ordinary Intelligence.
Dr. Kim Hermanson helps creatives, pioneers, and seekers break free from linear thinking and access a deeper, more expansive intelligence through metaphor. An educator and adjunct professor at Pacifica Graduate Institute, she guides people into the mind’s third space—an untapped field of profound beauty and knowing. Learn more at MetaphorMind Lab.
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