
Metaphoric shamanic images carry vibrational energy

DALL·E 2024 11 29 10.50.54 A mystical and immersive scene of a person engaging deeply with a shamanic image. The setting includes a vibrant, ethereal atmosphere with elements of

When I work with clients, I guide them on a short inner journey to receive an image that will change their life.

When I first started working with clients, occasionally someone would share an image that their thinking mind had manufactured. They didn’t want to see what Spirit had in store for them.

Because I’ve been working with the intelligent field for so many years, I can tell when an image has come from the thinking mind–it has no vibrational frequency.

There’s an energetic feeling sense of “nothing there.”

Have you ever stood next to a dead body? After my father passed, I stood next to his body at the funeral home, desperately wanting to get one last sense of him.

But there was nothing there. No life, no vibration, no pulse.

That’s the way manufactured images are. They have no life. (Of course, I can tune into my father’s presence in other ways, but it’s no longer available to me through his human body.)

Shamanic images have an energy and a vibrational frequency. 

Just as we humans carry gifts that can’t be seen on the surface and just as we can’t really know a human by merely looking at him or her, shamanic images carry gifts that can’t be seen on the surface. To uncover those gifts, we have to perceive the image in a different way.

I start by getting a sense of how the image occupies space. Instead of LOOKING AT the image, I BECOME it. Becoming the image takes me beyond my linear mind into a powerful field of shamanic energy.

Becoming the image makes absolutely no sense to the thinking mind and many of my clients have difficulty grasping this idea. For example, if the image is a cave, the person will typically visualize themselves inside of the cave or next to it, because that’s what makes logical sense.

Looking out the window right now, I see a white truck. To work with this image shamanically, I don’t see myself sitting INSIDE of the truck. Instead, I notice what it feels like to BE the truck. I have a metal body. I notice that my engine is located in my front end and it’s much heavier than my back end. I notice that my body is resting on the chassis and that I’m dependent on my wheels for movement.

Let’s say you receive an image of a castle. You might naturally start by noticing the features of the castle—its doors, walkways and other features. But to work with an image’s shamanic powers, you want to start by working with its shape. In fact, don’t even see it as a castle. For right now, it’s a 3-dimensional blob with an outer edge and perimeter.

Feel how big you are, feel how you take up space. Notice whether you feel solid or rigid or tight, or whether any part of you feels fuzzy or unformed.

All healthy humans have good boundaries and when we’re working with an image that has form (a castle has form, the ocean doesn’t have form), I want to know what its boundaries feel like. Do I feel like I have “good form?” If not, an issue with boundaries is revealing itself.

Let the image be as big as it wants to be. Just as we humans want to grow to our full size, images also want to be their full size. Notice whether any part of the image feels closed or shut down.

Because the image is alive, we can feel/sense for any movement. The image might want to stay put and be still, it might want to rest into the ground (or whatever is beneath it), or it might have another direction it wants to go.

What do you notice?

When we work with shamanic images, being a beginner is absolutely necessary. We DON’T KNOW what the image wants to share with us and whatever it is, it will be a surprise and not what we think.  For example, a client saw herself standing in a rectangular hole in the shape of a coffin in the ground. Of course, her mind freaked out when she saw this, but the energetic qualities of this image were quite the opposite of death. The message was about allowing herself to be planted in the soil like a seed. She was on a path of fresh, organic growth.

A shamanic image will feel expansive. Even if the message of the image is to grieve, there will be an expansive feeling of deep peace. It will feel like a deep “ah” as you finally allow yourself to settle into truth.

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