Sacred power: Entering the realm of the non-ordinary

I used to think the mistakes I’d made had ruined my life.
I walked away when a major publisher wanted to publish Getting Messy in a different format. I lost an inheritance by investing in questionable stock purchases. I let a special person get away. I failed to plan ahead. And so on.
But by working with the intelligent field, I’ve learned that no foolish decision or misguided action can ever alter my destiny or potential.
We humans have access to incredible power.
I hope you will join me for my next online experiential seminar. It’s time to honor the wisdom that’s nudging you.
Tuesdays March 30th & April 6th 11 am – 1 pm PDT
EARLY BIRD rate: $59 until March 14th
- includes recordings, handouts & the opportunity to work w/Kim
Note: This course will be on Zoom, you can participate from anywhere in the world. If you can’t attend live you can still register to receive the recordings.
No matter how much we push, intend and effort, we don’t have all the answers that we seek.
But Something else does.
We can set goals, make commitments, get action partners, read self-help books and push ourselves to achieve what we want. Or… we can align with Something greater.
I recommend you do the latter.
When one has been moved by Spirit, one never forgets it. We never forget experiences of touching Something greater than ourselves.
There is an energetic place where you are hooked up, aligned with your Highest Self, and connected to your own deep knowing. A place where Spiritual resources can flow through you.
In this experiential seminar, we’ll open a field of potent Source energies and powerful intelligence that is not of this world. As you anchor in this vibrational field, you’ll discover new spaces of possibility and resources, as well as a flow, grace, ease, strength, and clarity.
When we’re in the right energy, things happen. We humans have access to incredible resources.
- rest in deep truth
- discover your innate strength
- step into the work that’s claimed you
- reconnect with Spirit & inner guidance
- experience the ease, grace, & beauty of hooking up to your own deep knowing
Only this realm knows what you need for your whole life to change. Please join us.
“Kim’s work is pioneering.” ~ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, New York Times bestselling author of Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience