Centered in your gift: The visionary’s path
I was once in a coaching group where the leader said we must make business decisions that will make us the most money. She suggested surveying clients or followers to see what they would be willing to pay for.
And while this sounds rational, it doesn’t align with how visionaries operate or think about their work.
Visionaries don’t make decisions based on what other people need or want. Their actions come from a deeper place—a connection with their own inner knowing and creative source.
After all, if all of us interviewed people for what would sell and did nothing else, no truly original work would ever come into the world.
This isn’t to say that visionaries don’t care about others. In fact, their work often has a profound impact on people. But that impact is a byproduct of their connection to their gift, not the driving force behind it.
A visionary’s primary focus is to connect with their deep knowing and bring forth what emerges from that place. Their work is an expression of something greater, something authentic, something only they can bring into the world.
Don’t write a book to help people. Write it because it’s bursting to come through you.
Don’t teach a class because you think people need to know something. Teach because the subject is alive within you.
Don’t become a therapist or coach simply because you want to heal others. Do it because the work calls to you and feels like a natural extension of your essence.
If your focus is solely on other people and what you think they need, you’re not centered in your gift. And when you’re not centered, the power of your work diminishes.
When you align with your own deep knowing, the energy and clarity of your gift naturally radiate outward. The people who resonate with it will be drawn to you.
Centering in your gift isn’t selfish—it’s how you create something truly authentic and transformative. It’s the way you serve the world in the most meaningful way possible.