Magic happens when we sit in the driver’s seat

- voice what’s been hidden
- firmly own your worth and value
- speak your truth with self-confidence, grace and ease
- allow your voice be heard above the din and noise
I hold my pen and engage with the unknown. I have to be present to move with Spirit. I can’t get ahead of myself. I can just be in the moment, making decisions as I go. Each stroke is a discovery, each pause, a quiet unfolding. The path is revealed only as I take it,…
During the many years that I led creative writing workshops, I noticed something interesting about the thing invited deep writing. Some writing prompts–often involving words or newspaper headlines–kept people entrenched in analytical thinking and… their subsequent writing was heady and dry. Their writing might have been slick and witty, but it was rarely deep or…
Creating something new requires more than just time in your schedule or a physical workspace. While these “linear spaces” are important, true creativity demands a different kind of space—imaginal space. What Is Imaginal Space? Imaginal space is the realm where transformation and creativity truly take root. Let me share a personal example: Recently, I was…
Picasso famously said that every act of creation begins with an act of destruction. We live within a creative process…a creative process that is continually destroying and transforming our man-made things, relationships, and institutions. It’s as if the Universe is in a continual process of “making” and we are its ingredients. We’re part of the…
Non-cognitive, intuitive, feeling-based learning is a profound, heart-centered approach that reconnects us to our innate wisdom, fostering growth and understanding in ways that transcend traditional, linear methods. This type of learning invites us to embrace the richness of our emotions, intuition, and sensory awareness, enabling a deeper connection with ourselves, others, and the natural world….
Lately, I’ve been immersed in preparing materials for some upcoming academic classes. I love diving into the world of ideas, but I’ve learned it’s not a place I want to live. It’s easy to get stuck in the mind, forgetting the beauty and vision that inspire us in the first place. A wise guide once…