Learning through the heart: Following the call of authentic knowing

When I spent 7 years getting a PhD at the University of Chicago, I over-used the analytical part of my thinking brain. The sight of words on a page made me nauseous.
Our heart learns in a much different way. Our heart doesn’t learning by stuffing information. Heart learning isn’t about quantity. It’s about quality.
Our hearts navigate their way in the world through our capacity for metaphor. Metaphor allows us to notice and follow vague inner feelings, nebulous nudges, fuzzy forms, and fleeting glimpses of divine guidance.
The heart also learns and knows by following an inner call.
Anyone in this world who is doing anything truly authentic is letting his or her heart lead. They are following heart knowing. They are seeing and feeling an internal vision that is typically hard to explain or put into words.
If you’d like to explore what your heart has to say to you, check out how to work with me: https://www.kimhermanson.com/work-with-me/.