You just have to begin

DALL·E 2024 11 30 17.45.39 A simple and inspiring image of a blank notebook with a pen resting on its pages, placed on a clean desk by a softly lit window. The scene evokes the

One of the biggest misnomers about creativity is that we need to have “clarity” about something before we begin. The other day I received an email that read:

Every day I think about a written book, so I know it is coming. However, I do need clarity in order to bring it into manifestation. I have no idea what the finished piece will look like….I will contact you when I am ready to proceed.

This particular person (bless her heart) has been talking about writing a book for years. She hasn’t started writing, she just has a vague yearning to write a book. OF COURSE she doesn’t know what it’s going to look like.

We’re never going to be able to “figure it out” ahead of time. We “create the space” for it, put the pen down to the page….and we see what wants to be written.

You aren’t going to know what you’re doing, you just have to BEGIN. If you DID know what you were doing, it wouldn’t be “creative”; it wouldn’t be something NEW. By definition, creativity is about bringing forth something that you haven’t seen before.

The creative process is about being SURPRISED. When we create, we’re working in partnership with Spirit…and Spirit brings surprise.

How delightful is that?

I’ve worked with the creative process long enough that I know I can trust it.  What does trust look like?

It means I have no idea what a particular project is going to look like, I just notice that I’m feeling pulled to create in a particular area. So I create time and space to sit with my muse and see what shows up. I know that Something will be born from my love and devotion.

At its most basic level, creating anything is about expressing our love. And when we share our love, amazing things are born.

You just have to begin.

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