The lenses of love: What shapes your world?

DALL·E 2024 11 30 18.57.43 A serene and symbolic illustration of a lush forest path viewed through two different lenses. On one side, vibrant flowers bloom in rich detail, while

In his book Metaphors of Consciousness, depth psychologist Robert Romanyshyn shares a striking story:

Two men—a geologist and a botanist—are walking together through the same forest.

The geologist steps on flowers, his focus drawn to the rocks. The botanist trips over rocks, captivated by the flowers.

They are in the same forest, but their experiences are completely different.

What shapes their view? It’s their hearts.

The geologist’s passion for rocks makes him oblivious to the flowers. The botanist’s love of flowers blinds him to the rocks.

Our passions, loves, and curiosities create the lenses through which we see the world. They determine what we notice—and what we miss.

So, what are YOU noticing today?

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