
My interview with Women in Depth podcast

On Inauguration Day in the U.S., I had the honor of being interviewed on the Women in Depth podcast with Lourdes Viado. While the nation marked the beginning of a new presidency, I felt a deeper sense of transformation—what I saw as the inauguration of a new world.

In our conversation, we explored the profound power of metaphor to unlock creativity, inspire breakthroughs, and access deep, hidden wisdom. As we expand our capacities for metaphoric ways of knowing—ways not typically accessed in our culture—we open the door to transformative energies. These energies, often described as feminine and rooted in the underworld, are being brought to the surface in this pivotal time.

The episode reflects the shift we’re all feeling—the beginning of something greater than ourselves, a connection to the deep creative forces of life. I hope it inspires you to see and feel the potential of this moment in your own life.

You can listen or download the podcast here:

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