Unlocking creative energy: How finding my passion for the bass guitar transformed my life

For years, music lingered in the background of my life, haunting me with an elusive longing. I play a few instruments, sing with a band, and love music deeply, yet there was always something missing—some ephemeral connection I couldn’t quite reach. It felt like a deep yearning for something I couldn’t name, let alone fulfill.
A few weeks ago, everything changed. I picked up a friend’s bass guitar on a whim and started plunking away. It rocked my world. Suddenly, I found my instrument.
If someone had told me three months ago that I’d be a halfway decent bass player by the end of summer, I’d have laughed. I couldn’t see this path ahead of time—there was no map for it, no plan. But that’s how the creative process works: it doesn’t reveal itself until we step into the unknown.
The Creative Doorway
Creativity is like stepping through an invisible door we didn’t even know was there. It opens us to possibilities, answers, and opportunities that were hidden from view. Playing bass has been that doorway for me. It has plugged me into a vibrant creative energy I didn’t know I was missing.
And here’s the beautiful thing: that energy isn’t just about music. It’s transforming my relationships, my work, and even my outlook on life. Creativity spills over into every aspect of who we are. When we create, we express our love for something, and that love opens new channels of joy and healing that ripple outward.
Creativity Heals Everything
We often think we need to “fix” our lives by setting goals, finding more discipline, joining support groups, or going to therapy. And while all of those things can be valuable, what if the answer isn’t to fix but to create? What if expressing our passion for something—anything—could heal everything?
The creative process isn’t linear, and it doesn’t need to make logical sense. Just because I’m passionate about playing bass doesn’t mean I’m about to start a career as a rock musician. Creativity doesn’t need to “fit” into our minds’ frameworks about money, success, or practicality. Our minds are busy trying to make sense of everything, but our hearts just want to feel and express love.
A Call to Honor Your Creative Longing
I know what it feels like to have a creative longing that nags at you—a voice inside that whispers there’s something you need to create, but you don’t know how to get there. I also know the pain of thinking you’ll never find a way to express it, that it’ll die inside you.
Too many people I know have incredible creative work inside them—books they want to write, songs they want to compose, passions they want to pursue—but they don’t take it seriously. They let the voice linger while they prioritize other “important” things. It’s heartbreaking because the world doesn’t get to feel their love expressed in those creative forms.
Here’s the truth: Creative work doesn’t have to be “hard.” It’s about leaning into the love that’s already there and letting it flow.
The World Needs Your Creative Passion
The world needs your creative passion as much as you need it. Your creativity has the power to transform not only your life but also the lives of those around you.
If you’re ready to step into your creative gifts in a whole new way, I’d love to help. Join me for a Doorway session and discover what’s waiting for you on the other side.
Special Offer: I’m offering 10% off single Doorway sessions through the end of October.
Let’s explore where your creative passion can take you.