
The fertile field of creativity: The power of group imagination

DALL·E 2024 12 02 15.57.29 A serene and vibrant abstract representation of a fertile field, symbolizing creativity and potential. The image features soft, flowing shapes and col

When I ask my subconscious for a metaphor about my work, the image that always comes to mind is a fertile field. I don’t focus on whether it’s empty or full—because that’s not the point. What matters isn’t what’s grown there but the boundless potential of the field itself.

I’ve written before about the difference between ground and form. In our modern world, we tend to focus on forms—the tangible, visible results—while overlooking the ground, the space where everything emerges. My work is about honoring and exploring that space.

This space could be seen as the creative potential in any situation, the group imagination, or what I often call “third space.” I’m reminded of Eckhart Tolle’s wisdom:

“Most people confuse the Now with what happens in the Now, but that’s not what it is. The Now is deeper than what happens in it. It is the space in which it happens.”

With that in mind, I’m thrilled to share my upcoming class at the Sophia Center this January!

Creating the Fertile Field: Exploring Creative Process at the Group Level

In this experiential course, we’ll delve into the creative process and explore the concepts of imagination and “third space” within a group setting. Using intuitive methods and individual creative expression, we’ll tap into the imaginal world of the group—a space rich with inspiration and wisdom.

While our primary focus will be the shared dynamics of our group, these insights apply to every relationship in life. Each relationship carries its own unique “imagination” or “soul.” This course is especially valuable for those who lead, teach, coach, or mentor, but anyone interested in deepening their connection to creativity and relationships will benefit.

What is third space?
Third space and the imaginal world are realms of expanded knowing and intuitive wisdom—a source of inspiration that lies just beyond our rational minds. When groups come together for a shared purpose, they create access to a collective wisdom that resides at the center of the group itself. This wisdom is the heart of the creative process, and in this course, we’ll explore how to engage with it.

What to expect:
This course is entirely experiential. Participants will:

  • Connect with their personal voice, vision, and leadership style.
  • Explore a variety of expressive forms, including collage, writing, visual art, and community celebration.
  • Discover how to tap into the group’s collective imagination and wisdom.

Whether you’re looking to enhance your ability to lead groups or simply want to deepen your creative practice, this course offers tools and insights to enrich every aspect of your life.

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