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Exploring creativity with Alan Fletcher’s Picturing and Poeting and my upcoming Painted Word class

My new favorite art book is Picturing and Poeting by the renowned graphic designer Alan Fletcher.

British writer Fiona MacCarthy offers an intriguing insight in her foreword to the book. She describes the “moment of crystallization when an idea changes state. The point at which the word transforms itself to make a picture. The stage at which the visual image claims an intellectual meaning.” I love her description of this “point of crystallization.” That transformative, art-making moment is exactly what I aim to encourage in my creative process classes—where art, image, and word merge to inspire new ways of thinking and creating.

I’m thrilled to have discovered Alan Fletcher and his work (he’s also the author of The Art of Looking Sideways). I’m always searching for fresh inspiration, and this book delivers in spades. While it isn’t cheap, I firmly believe that inspiration is priceless.

This book also segues perfectly into my upcoming Painted Word workshop at Book Passage on March 14th.

The Painted Word: Letting Art Evoke Writing
In this one-day workshop, we’ll explore the intimate conversation between art and writing, using visual art and its principles to shape and inspire the written word. Innovative writing exercises will engage the powerful relationship between words and images, encouraging fresh and expressive directions in your creative process.

We’ll incorporate collage and other art materials to open up a rich aesthetic realm where art forms merge, sparking new insights for your writing. This workshop is valuable for both beginning and experienced writers seeking to invigorate their creative process.

Date: March 14th
Location: Book Passage
Sign up here

Note: The class tends to fill up quickly, so sign up early if you’re interested!

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