
Embracing creative emergence: Lessons from nature and human development

“There are two forces at work, as complexity science demonstrates: habit and creativity. Nature has laws that perpetuate existing patterns and forms (habits), but nature also evolves, bringing forth ever new and unexpected possibilities through a non-linear process called creative emergence.”
— Joan Borysenko, The Huffington Post

Every year, I’m drawn to the annual Bioneers conference, a gathering of social activists, environmentalists, and scientists who come together to exchange inspiration and innovative ideas. The Bioneers movement is built on the belief that the natural world offers profound solutions to human problems. One of the most fascinating developments in this space is the rise of biomimicry—a science that studies nature’s designs to solve complex challenges. (Think sharkskin-inspired technology for better surfaces, among other things!)

While the Bioneers focus on the natural world for environmental and scientific solutions, I’ve come to see that nature also has much to teach us about human development and evolution.

Nature’s Non-Linear Creativity

One of the most striking qualities of the natural world is its inherent creativity. Nature is “generatively” creative—it doesn’t simply repeat itself but continually evolves, bringing forth new and unexpected possibilities through a non-linear process of creative emergence.

This same quality exists within us. We are naturally creative beings, deeply connected to the non-linear, evolving processes of the natural world. However, there’s a catch: we live in a predominantly linear world, one that values predictability, order, and control. This can create tension, as our innately creative selves try to navigate environments that often stifle or dismiss this process.

Creative Emergence in Human Development

In my work with creativity and metaphor, I’ve seen firsthand how this tension plays out. People are inherently creative, yet many feel disconnected from their ability to create. Why? Because the world they live in prioritizes habits—fixed patterns and routines—over the messiness of creative emergence.

Yet, as Joan Borysenko points out, both forces—habit and creativity—are essential. Habit provides structure, while creativity allows for growth, transformation, and new possibilities. The key is learning to balance these forces and create space for creative emergence to thrive.

How to Let Creativity Emerge

Here are some ways to embrace creative emergence in your life:

  1. Look to Nature: Spend time observing the natural world. Notice how it evolves and adapts, often in surprising ways. Let it inspire your own creative process.
  2. Trust Non-Linear Processes: Creativity rarely follows a straight path. Be willing to take detours, explore unexpected ideas, and allow your process to unfold naturally.
  3. Create Space for New Ideas: Habits and routines are helpful, but they can also be restrictive. Make room in your life for spontaneity and experimentation.
  4. Stay Curious: Like the Bioneers, approach problems with a sense of curiosity and wonder. Ask, “What’s possible?” rather than “What’s predictable?”

A Shared Journey

We humans are part of the natural world, and our creativity mirrors the same processes we see in nature. The same way a forest regenerates or a river carves a new path, our ideas and growth emerge when we allow them to flow naturally.

In my workshops, I guide people through this process of creative emergence, helping them access their inner creativity and find new pathways forward. The key isn’t to force or control the process—it’s to trust it.

So let’s lean into our creativity, embrace the non-linear journey, and let what wants to emerge, emerge. It’s challenging, yes, but it’s also what makes life vibrant and full of possibility.

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