We live only to discover beauty.
We live only to discover beauty. All else is a form of waiting. ~ Kahlil Gibran
We live only to discover beauty. All else is a form of waiting. ~ Kahlil Gibran
The desire to create certain outcomes hampers transformation. No matter how much we push, intend and effort, it’s clear that we don’t often have all the answers that we seek. But Something else does. We humans are brilliant when we align with Something greater than ourselves. When we loosen our fixation on what we think,…
Organizational research has demonstrated that people who procrastinate are more creative than people who don’t procrastinate. Actually, the results show a bell curve, meaning that a degree of procrastination is helpful in facilitating creative ideas. This is really not so surprising. If you’re someone who anxiously leaps into action to get every task done without…
My favorite quote for today from Cornelius Castoriadis (a Greek-French philosopher and psychologist who died in 1997). What is most human is not rationalism but the uncontrolled and incontrollable continuous surge of creative radical imagination in and through the flux of representation, affects and desires. My thoughts exactly.
Ultimately, our own creativity is the only thing that will renew us. Five Ways to Boost Creativity: 1. Embrace what you love 2. Stay curious 3. Remain connected to what feels true 4. Be open to fresh possibilities that invite you to think in terms of a larger whole. 5. Develop the ability to decipher…
Art does not come from thinking, but from responding. Corita Kent
The cool thing about having a blog is hearing from people all over the world that I would never have met in any other way. Last year I posted a quote by the artist Paul Reynard, and a couple weeks ago Paul’s wife sent me an email from France. She just happened to be perusing…